Hannah Frank

Indie Singer-Songwriter


Buy the Vinyl:

Comes Love  7″ 45 rpm record

This features “Comes Love” (Side A) and “Walkin’ after Midnight” (Side B), recorded with Dennis Luxion (piano), Billy Flynn (guitar), Dean Haas (drums) and Ben E. Miller (bass) on Random Chance Records.

1) Order on Amazon: click here.

2) Order Directly:

Paypal $13 USD to the PayPal account at hannahfrankchicago@yahoo.com. Your order will ship in 7-10 business days (price includes shipping in the U.S.). With your order, you will receive a free 45 adapter, so that you can play the record on a standard turntable. For more info, email hannahfrankmusic@gmail.com.

Buy Digital Music:

To buy tracks on Bandcamp: click here.

To listen, use the players below.

Featured tracks:

Heart Hitter (feat. Martin Lang, Dean Haas)

Is You Mine (feat. Victor Sanders, Meg Thomas, Ben E. Miller)

Things Change (Solo Hannah on electric guitar)

Pitch Black Eyes (feat. Victor Sanders, Meg Thomas, Ben E. Miller)

Here’s the Full Track Lists:

PUSH 4-song EP

Things Change (2-song Sampler)

LIVE EP (4-song EP)

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